SA Government Department of Human Services upgrades to Postmaster 2000

28th June, 2002.

It is with great pleasure that Walldorf Technology Group (WTG) announces that the South Australian Government Department of Human Services has accepted our new Postmaster 2000 product and will be rolling it out for its Masterpiece/Net users.

Postmaster 2000 is the ultimate tool for generating Masterpiece/Net external feeds.

Department of Human Services (DHS) is one of the largest government departments in South Australia and therefore one of the largest users of Masterpiece/Net in Asia Pacific. DHS are also long time users of the old 16-bit Postmaster product as well as some of WTG's other products such as ChartGen, CMO, Credit Card Manager etc. DHS also currently has the largest installed base of the old Postmaster 16-bit users in SA Government.

DHS's evaluation process has been extremely lengthy and thorough beginning in February. Whilst DHS were a beta test site they have been intensively testing the released product for the last four months. This evaluation process has resulted in numerous enhancements to the product.

DHS's George Grzeskowiak says :

"Postmaster 2000 is a significant improvement over the 16 bit version in it's integration with Microsoft Excel, the support for external feeds for other Masterpiece modules, the automated upgrade process as well as the decrease in processing time of large journal files for both actuals and budgets."

DHS's Eric Balogh says :

"I can say the GL and JC journal process has gone a long way from the old faithful 16 bit Postmaster. Postmaster 2000 is now an add-in in Excel, this means no more toggling between two applications. The GL validation when you have Chartgen 2000 set-up makes processing very quick, even on enormous budget/journal files and the FTP is seamless. This application has gone beyond GL and JC feeds to the other feeds of Masterpiece."

DHS joins the majority of the other Postmaster users who have now upgraded to Postmaster 2000.

To view the product brochure please click :


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Last modified: Friday September 13, 2002.